Creative Machine
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Datatype for storing a face detected by Face Detector. MLFace contains an ArrayList of MLKeyPoint. If a face is detected, MLFace contains 5 keypoints for each facial landmark following the order below:

1. left eye
2. right eye
3. nose
4. left mouth
5. right mouth

Each MLKeyPoint in MLFace contains x, y coordinates of the keypoint.


void setup() {
    // create a Face Detector
    FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector(this);
    // load image
    PImage img = loadImage("pose_soccer.png");
    // detect faces
    MLFace[] faces = detector.predict(img);
void draw() {
  for (int i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) {
    // get each face
    MLFace face = faces[i];
    // draw a bounding box
    stroke(240, 121, 81);
    rect(face.getX(), face.getY(), face.getWidth(), face.getHeight());
    // draw eyes and a nose
    fill(250, 255, 112);
    circle(face.getLeftEye().getX(), face.getLeftEye().getY(), 5);
    circle(face.getRightEye().getX(), face.getRightEye().getY(), 5);
    circle(face.getNose().getX(), face.getNose().getY(), 5);


  • getKeyPoints(): Returns List<MLKeyPoint> keyPoints, an ArrayList of MLKeyPoint for each facial landmark.
  • getLeftEye(): Returns MLKeyPoint leftEye, the position of a left eye.
  • getRightEye(): Returns MLKeyPoint rightEye, the position of a right eye.
  • getNose(): Returns MLKeyPoint nose, the position of a nose.
  • getLeftMouth(): Returns MLKeyPoint leftMouth, the position of the left end of a mouth.
  • getRightMouth(): Returns MLKeyPoint leftMouth, the position of the right end of a mouth.

Used By

Face Detector