Creative Machine
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How to Download Creative Machine

There are two main ways to use Creative Machine in Processing.

Option 1: Download from Processing application.

  1. Start your Processing application and go to Sketch > Import Library > Manage Libraries...

  2. Search for Creative Machine and click Install.

  3. Create a new Processing sketch and type import ml.* on top of your sketch file.

Option 2: Downlaod the .zip file directly.

  1. Download the latest release of Creative Machine from the below link.

    Download Creative Machine

  2. Unzip the .zip file and move the library folder under Processing > libraries directory.

  • First, find your installed Processing folder (usually it is under Documents folder).
  • Move unzipped creative-machine folder under Processing > libraries.
  1. Create a new Processing sketch and type import ml.* on top of your sketch file.

Now you are all set! Explore Reference page for detailed instructions on how to use each model.