

Student, Software Enthusiast, & Maker

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Jeongin is passionate about creating software that can make a social impact and provide a meaningful user experience.

She is in her final year studying Computer Science at New York University Abu Dhabi, graduating on December 2024.

In her free time, Jeongin likes to read, write, watch films, meet friends, and go to art exhibitions.


Visa ➚

Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2023

Photo of Jeongin sitting at the Visa Dubai office

During my summer internship at Visa Dubai, I worked in the Regional Solutions & Digital Partnerships team to design and develop a full stack web project. I also participated in Global Intern Case Challenge where our team won the 1st place among 162 interns worldwide, and pitched to the Visa CEO.

Center for Space Science @ NYUAD ➚

Research Intern

January - June 2023

For 6 months, I collaborated with scientists at the Mars research group to create data visualizations and run machine learning algorithms to analyze the the Martian atmospheric dataset of >1.15 million rows.

Google Summer of Code, Processing Foundation ➚

Open Source Developer

June - September 2022

Screenshot of Creative Machine website showing face detector demo

I worked as an open source developer for the Processing Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes software literacy within the visual arts. I developed a new Machine Learning library for Processing IDE currently with >2,080 downloads.

MoMA Lab @ NYUAD ➚

Research Intern

May - July 2022

Cover of the final presentation for the MoMA Lab research project

I researched the ML-based cyber attack detection for the MoMA Lab, a security lab that focuses on low-level microprocessors. I trained and evaluated 3 different models on a security dataset of >1 million rows and analyzed their performances. I also increased the detection accuracy by 29% by applying extra tuning techniques.