“Benjamin, what are you gonna name that fish?”

“I will name him ‘Benny’! Benny the fish!”

Looks like Benny is hungry.
Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny first.

After 5 minutes Benny still seems hungry. Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny next.

After 10 minutes Benny still seems hungry. Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny next.

“Mommy, looks like Benny is already too big for his home. Can I put it in the bathtub so he can freely swim and roam?”

“Sure, honey.”

And in the bathtub Benny goes. “Splash!”

Looks like Benny is hungry again from all that swimming and moving. Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny first.

After 5 minutes Benny still seems hungry. Did his stomach grow as well? Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny next.

After 10 minutes Benny still seems hungry. What a hungry fish he is. Click on the button to choose who’s gonna feed Benny next.

"Benjamin, Benny has grown too big for our tub. Would you let him go so that his home is no longer the size of his cup?”

“Yes mom,” said Benjamin in tears.

“Bye Bye Benny,” Benjamin said.

“I’m letting you go because I love you so much. Go meet your friends, but let’s forever keep in touch.”

And in touch they kept! Every year on the 14th of October, Benny took Benjamin on a trip around the ocean. These happy days were always filled with claps and emotion.